Advance SW Engineering Lab

Lab Incharge : Mr Mansoor Memon
  • The Advanced Software Engineering and Research Lab, pronounced as ‘esse-or’ (ASE & R) has been built scientifically on the understanding of the needs of software engineering in the field of computer systems.
  • The lab comprises advanced teaching aids, training etc.


Lab Incharge : Engr. Mahaveer Rathi
  • The lab enables the students to have practical work on various subjects including Computer Graphics, Computer Programming, Digital Image Processing, and other subjects.

Software Engineering Lab

Lab Incharge : Engr Iftikhar Baloch
  • The Software Development lab, Department of Computer Systems Engineering, provides students the facility to practice on different software packages and programming languages that are included in their curriculum.

Data Management and Internet

Lab Incharge : Mr Zubair Shaikh
  • This Lab is designed to fulfill the students’ needs practically.
  • The students can work in a peaceful environment with adequate number of highly configured PCs, working efficiently along with internet support.
Computer Systems Department